Page 118 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 118
Cabin so stuffy that I had a headache all day. A hot oppressive day too. The usual board ship existence of
eating & sleeping & getting no exercise. Arrived at Linga in the evening, a most gorgeous sunset. The Dr &
his awful wife went ashore also the Persian General - or whatever his military title may be. The Persian
soldiers who came to meet him were quite smart looking men. Played three handed Bridge with Pack after
dinner, & then early to bed. Linga is a small place, a line of houses with mountains in the background
nowadays very few people live there. Stayed about four hours.
Friday 5th [November]
Arrived at Henjam early at dawn, & a most wonderful sunrise. Quite a pretty place in the early morning,
rather like Aden, rocky mountains & queerly shaped hills & a few houses. Two ships in the bay, the
Cyclamen & another. Perryman sent a message to say sorry we were staying so short a time. Arrived at
Bundar Abbas before lunch, quite a small place, just a line of buildings along the shore, & high mountains
behind. The Political Agent came on board in a very nice launch. Pack introduced him afterwards, decidedly
black, by name Richardson. He talked without stopping from 2 pm till 4 pm, but quite amusingly about the
queer doings of the Persian Government & about the various flying people who had passed by. Bundar
Abbas is on the air line to India so he meets quite a number of fliers. A warm day again, put on thin clothes
which I didnt expect to need again till the summer, rather a bore as I prefer ordinary clothes. One of the