Page 122 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 122
Travelled till about 8.30 when we reached Lahore. Met by my clerk, the Havildar & various others who took
me to a poor hotel near station not being able to get in anywhere else. A queer muddy place & most
uncomfortable, however too late to do anything. Most of the "visitors" appeared to be chi chi except for a
clerical looking person in queer robes, who I took to be a R.C. prelate, who handed us bills after dinner
advertising himself as a fortune teller - English & looked quite a proper person too! Intend moving
tomorrow. So far I think little of India.
Thursday 11th [November]
Called on the Recruiting officer in the morning, quite a pleasant fellow called Ferguson who at once offered
to put us up in his bungalow, which was really very kind, but it meant having meals out so we tried two
hotels & got in at one called __dow's, a large place & seems quite comfortable. Shifted our bags & came up
in time for lunch. A big room & very high but no outside windows, a bath & dressing room, usual Indian
style of sanitation which is one I dislike! Slept in afternoon & then went a walk along the Mall. Lots of cars
& little pony carts going along "tongas". One sits on a seat at the back. Quite comfortable & useful. There
are some fine buildings mostly of red brick, lots of trees & plants & flowers & grass. The soil must be very
good here. Called at Government house & wrote our names in the book. I hope they ask us to dinner.
Perhaps it is too big a place for that.