Page 126 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 126



          Left early by train & went to Gujarat to see about the passports, but found the District Commissioner was
          away.  Interviewed an Indian subordinate who said he would do all he could.  Then on by train to Jehlum &
          drove out to the D.C. who seemed a tiresome person, elderly & rather a bounder, however he said he would
          do all I wanted, then to the Dak Bungalow.  It was very like a Rest House in Egypt.  Quite a decent bungalow
          & quite a good room.  Had tea brought in & had a big wood fire.  Saw a few men.  Two Indian Officers came
          in to call, nice fellows, they had heard I was coming, both of course asked if I could give them a job & when
          I said I had nothing suitable one offered to get me 80 men at Gujarat on Sunday & so I said I'd go down.
          They provide beds, but no bedding.  I had mine with me.  Dined, moderately well, in a big dining room &
          met an English couple who were there - vulgar, he an officer in the school for Indian Officers sons (one must
          never say "native"!) also an extremely nice young Indian, a Sikh, whose father is one of the biggest Sikh
          leaders in India.  I liked him very much.  He is very fond of silugis & hawks.  After dinner I sat in his room
          for a long time talking.  He wants to send a hawk as a present to the Shaikh.  He had two in his bathroom,
          little things.  He talked most amusingly.  Then to bed by a big fire - quite cold enough to need it too.

          Friday [19 November]

          Left Jehlum at 10 & got back at about 3 pm.  Travelled with an IMC colonel & another very nice fellow, a
          soldier, who was in the Senussi show in 1915, knew a lot of people I know.  Also he knew of Daly & said
          that Daly was always said to be the cause of the rebellion in Mespot in 1920!  To progressive & too
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