Page 123 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 123
Friday [12 November]
Spent the morning at the Recruiting Office down at the camp going over the men who have been collected;
they look quite a good lot, all ex soldiers or ex police. After lunch wrote letters & after tea we walked round
the Zoological Gardens which is just opposite the hotel. Not a very good show of animals but the gardens
were very nice, fine trees. It seems customary in Indian hotels for people never to sit about in the hall or
public rooms but to slink off after meals to their rooms & not to appear till next meal. It makes it very dull as
half the battle at a hotel is observing the other people. There seem to be crowds of very dowdy old ladies
about, they look like the type of old maids one would expect to see in Bath. Lots of smart cars & Indian men
& women driving them. Quite comfortable hotel & good food but still very cold & I have begun a real bad
cold. M's is better now.
Saturday [13 November]
Bad cold. Didnt go out all day. Mostly in bed.