Page 112 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 112



          Sunday 24th [October]

          Went over to the Agency & discussed with Barrett the question of sacking de Grenier, we have one applicant for
          the job from        Dept., Indian Govt, but he will cost the State more.  de G is an awful fellow but his work isn't so
          bad.  Painted in afternoon then motored out to see a garden on Budeya road, it was cultivated by some Bahrainis
          for 30 years & now claimed by old Sheikh Isa's wife who produces a valid document gifting it to her by Isa 20 years
          ago.  He used to give people land without ever seeing it & usually it belonged to somebody.  Naturally he is
          unpopular among the Bahrainis who are the original owners of the island.  Robinson & Armstrong to dinner.  H
          came 4 hour too soon, rather an effort making conversation till the others arrived.  Afterwards played gramophone
          and Bridge.  Armstrong is an Engineer, boring wells under Holmes, quite a nice fellow but of course no pretensions.

          Monday [25 October]

          Court.  A lot of cases.  I had to finish them off after breakfast.  Several people came in which always delays me.  They
          are building servants quarters & getting on well with them.  Lunch at 2.15 as I was kept so long.  Yesterday de G called
          at 1 pm & stayed an hour with no excuse, finally I asked him to go.  He is an unmitigated bore.  Went a walk in the
          evening to the spring in the Municipal garden & then to see the sea road which is getting on well.  Broke it to Haji
          Sulman that Police pay is to be much reduced.  He doesnt think they will stay on - good riddance if they dont.  Quite
          hot weather, stuffy in the evenings.  Had a door put on the steps.

          Tuesday 26th October

          Biladya meeting in morning, quite quiet & very dull except for the usual comic interlude of an old cracked man who
          now always attends & gets up several times in the middle of the meeting & shouts for some minutes, during which
          the meeting ceases to function, but no one attempts to turn him out.  The Council was dissolved & a new one to be

          Barber came in afternoon & then went to tennis at the Spences followed by Bridge.  Wrote to Spence about bridge on
          sea wall, in the evening I saw him discussing it with Barrett.
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