Page 140 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 140
police. Went to Spences to play Bridge. Heard after dinner that the new proclamation was posted & crowds of divers
commenting on it. Exciting times - but very interesting.
Wednesday 5th [January]
Motored out to Rafaa in the morning to set the men onto working on the road but although I had arranged everything with
the Shaikh no men were there. Came back & heard cases until 2 pm. Didnt go out in afternoon & Parke came in to tea. The
market closed again in the morning owing to a scare among the Jews, someone called out "the Dawasir are coming" & all at
once closed their shops. Barrett & Parke persuaded them to open shops again. The Dawasir are the Arabs who were exiled
to the coast.
Thursday 6th [January]
Court in the morning. The Shaikh came to the Joint Court. Persuaded him that the best way of preventing the scare was for
him to go over to Muharraq, very much against his will he did so. As usual he wouldnt keep to the point & talked much of