Page 142 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 142



        The conspiracy against the Quadi is now complete.  Letters written to the old Quadi & the new man which I brought back
        with me to Manama.  Lunched with Abdulla, a light meal & really quite good, dates milk & cream, chocolate biscuits, tinned
        fruit, sweets and very nice bread.

        Went over to the Agency when I got back, played card games after tea.  Really a tiring day.  The Shaikh was in very good form
        & quite sensible.  He talks much of having given up two days hawking in order to go to Muharraq & sooth the citizens - & they
        pretend to appreciate this as a great favour.

        Saturday Jan 8th 1927

        The Shaikh came to the Joint Court in the morning & crowds of people so wasnt able to get any work done.  Everyone who
        loses a case goes at once to the Shaikh to complain & the Shaikh, to quieten them, says "take it over again"!  Its not very
        helpful!  The Shaikh has given Kanoo permission to bore wells which according to Holmes is against the clauses of the oil
        concession.  The Shaikh treats it extremely lightly.  Went out a drive in the afternoon.  Mail came, late.  Dr & Mrs Holmes
        & Miss Dalenburg came to tea.  I did a sketch for the outside of their annual mission report.  Walked back with him to the
        mission.  Quite a good mail.
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