Page 147 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 147
Joint Court, afterwards the Shaikh came in about some business. Had a case of a moneylender pressing for payment of a
debt of Rs 3000/- on an order of Court. Threatened to imprison the man who paid. Tennis at Agency in afternoon. Very
good games. One Ibrahaim Kamal came to see me in evening with a long story of how the Agency clerk has been taking
bribes. He is an unpopular person & being son in law of the Kadi he is very powerful, besides he had Daly's ear. Plastering
began in the house which is rather trying as the place is full of Persian masons who are noisy & sing all the time they work. It
makes everything very damp too.
Sunday 16th [January]
Court in morning. Motored to palace & then to see the work on the road after lunch. Lovely weather still. The mail is said to
be delayed by a strong "Shamaal" wind. Parke & de Grenier to dinner, afterwards played Bridge. de G as terrible as usual but
he seemed to enjoy coming very much.
Monday 17th [January]
Busy morning getting a lot of accounts for the half year finished off & also winding up a big estate case. Tennis at the Mission
& then tea at the Hakkens. Mrs H appeared. Spence very sulky. Parke & the Barretts came in for a while after tea. The mail