Page 148 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 148



        arrived, she ought to have come on Sunday, late owing to Shamaal & having to call at Dubai.  Kamal called again in the
        evening with list of people who had paid bribes to Shaikh Ali.  A good mail & a good number of books from various people.
        Glad to get them as M has read everything we have.  Painters still in occupation.

        Tuesday 18th [January]

        Meeting of the Biladya Council - very dull & stayed a long time as the Shaikh discussed various other things afterwards &
        Barrett & I went with him to see a shop over which there was a discussion in the bazaar.  Sultan Ahmed, the Lieut from
        Lahore, arrived by the boat.  Parke is not very pleased, he wanted me to put him off, but I didnt.  Tennis at Agency.  The
        Spences put off the show.

        Wednesday 19th Jan.

        Got done fairly early & after lunch we & Parke motored out to Rafaa.  Sat awhile talking to the Shaikh in his Meglis & then
        saw the guard & motored back.  Parke came to tea.
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