Page 153 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 153
Friday 28th [January]
Breakfasted with Holmes. He lives in a house right in the bazaar, but being of course on top floor it really doesnt matter
much. Quite a comfortable house & a very good breakfast with home made butter from his cow. Curious that cows fed on
dates & dry fish, mainly, should give such good cream. Afterwards walked down the bazaar. Met Parke & de G who walked
home with us - much to M's annoyance as I had some business to discuss with Parke, the doings of the Lady Ayesha, the
Shaikhs exfavourite wife who apparently carries on with his own brother, his head servant & a Jewish clerk, going out in cars
with them dressed as a man! Very disgraceful. Tennis at the Agency & Bridge afterwards. The P R comes tomorrow. Parke
came to dinner.
Saturday 30th [29 January]
A good deal of general fussing. The Shaikh came in the morning, early, but took no cases, always glad of a chance not to
though really he had plenty of time before the boat arrived. Barrett went out first & I, with the Shaikh, followed later. Paid a
long visit on board & then returned to the Meglis above the Police Station where the P.R. returned the Shaikh's visit. The
Shaikh looked very fine, really gorgeously dressed. We had a Guard of Honour from the new Police drawn up on the pier &