Page 154 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 154
numbers of "naturs" & armed retainers keeping the crowds back. It was really a very good show & went off well, we fired
salutes & everything properly. Afterwards went in & saw de Grenier. The P.R. seems quite nice, about 50, stoutish & rather
military. Went a drive after lunch & then to tennis at the Agency where also present the Captain of the boat & an officer.
The Captain looks as if he drinks, & does! I have taken on the Sudanese Omar, who was in the FDA Camel Corps & now in the
police, as an orderly.
Sunday 30th [January]
Took cases in the morning & then left early & called for Parke & drove out to Sakhrir. The car ran well but we got a puncture.
Arrived as the others returned from seeing where they are going to bore for oil. Sat in the big Meglis, lunched in the small
one. Quite a good show. Besides us the Barretts, P R & Prior, Parke, the Captain & Holmes. Drove back afterwards & walked
out to Idlari spring to see where the road needs mending, then to the Palace & brought Parke back to tea. Prior called, he is
amusing & the PR's tiresome little girl. My camera has to be sent home to mend a screw which is bust in the lense. Mail
not in yet. The latest mot about Shaikh Sulman, the Crown Prince, is that he picks up wives in the market as he buy chickens.
Quite true too. He is a frightful little person with a black beard.