Page 162 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 162



        Saturday 12th [February]

        Went down bazaar in the morning to see the Shaikh's property.  He proposed to lease a bit of land & 3 amaras for 1000 &
        didnt realise the amaras, alone, brought in 750/-!  Late for breakfast.  The Shaikh brought me a silugi puppy, a real good
        one, black with a little brown.  Joint Court, also Diving cases & my court.  Spence & Kanoo called & stayed an hour & a half
        talking, but with no effect as neither would do anything about the Bridge.  Kanoo talked in parables - what a sly old man.  In
        afternoon we went out to the French boat, the Diana, used to be yacht of Mareshal in Morocco.  The Shaikh went also to pay
        a call, officially.  I went with him in his launch also the three sons.  Salutes & guards as usual.  The others, M, de G, Parke &
        the Barretts arrived later in another launch.  They expected all the white people but the rest, rather rudely, didnt come.  Mrs
        Spence was annoyed at not being asked, separately.  Rather a swell but didnt mind it.  Had a large tea, huge trays of
        sandwiches & quite good cakes.  There were five officers, all very young & extremely pleasant all talked English of sorts &
        insisted on talking English, I wanted to practise French but couldnt get a word in.  Very smart & really I thought better looking
        altogether than our cruiser officers.  Played gramophone looked at photos & M & Mrs B danced, the latter looked deplorable
        in an ulster & a petticoat too long for skirt - it showed so when dancing.  I much liked the tune, Dubussy L'Apres midi d'un
        Faun" on gramophone also Chausky (?) Arab songs which they played.  Quite rough coming back.  Barrett dawdled & wouldnt
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