Page 164 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 164
Painted in the afternoon & then went to tennis at the mission. Not many people there. The Barretts came in afterwards, &
later & then Ali bin Rejab, as usual talking about the Kadi. The Shaikh insisted on returning some land to Ali b Khaled who is a
cousin of his & was in prison. I should like to see him chucked out of the place.
Tuesday 15th [February]
Biladya (town Council) meeting, but did not go to it. Both Parke & de Grenier came in to see me so I got very late coming up.
Got a lot of letters answered. Motored with the Dr out to the quarantine camp, which needs repairing & then on to Essex
point, afterwards to tea & Bridge at the Spences.
Wednesday 16th Feb
Court in morning. Salman away. A fuss among the people of Ali who had a bit of a row & biffed a man over the head, mildly.
One tiresome little old man called Haji Abdulla has law cases with almost the entire population of the village, consequently
he is unpopular. He comes to the office almost every day & bothers me, sitting outside the door if he cant get a hearing.