Page 171 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 171



        its still in England being mended.  Motored back & returned to Manama in the Shaikh's launch.  Then to tea at the Spences
        where we played Bridge.

        Wednesday 2nd [March]

        Court.  A great many cases so got very late, lunch at 2.30.  Afterwards we went in a joliboat over to Muharraq.  Strolled about
        the bazaars for some time & then took a car & drove out to Hedd & back, across the and which is smooth & hard like a race
        track.  Came back & had tea, late then to dinner at Agency.  The Lupin in the harbour, one of the gunboats.

        The party was a tiresome one.  The Col snubbed his wife at dinner & made everyone feel very awkward by doing so.  After
        dinner played perfectly awful card games.  Also present Parke & de Grenier, in fact all the officials.  Really they organise their
        parties very badly.

        Thursday 3rd [March]
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