Page 173 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 173
doings of de G who gave permission, which he had no right to do without asking me, to the navy to have a beer canteen in
the customs. It would have caused an awful fuss, even when Barrett imported a case of champagne & left it for some hours
on the quay there was a speech about it at the Municipal Council meeting - Ramadan begins at sunset today & an order has
been issued that nobody is to be seen eating or smoking in public - as for drinking beer !! de G is the most tactless person I've
ever met. Played Bridge, there were enough for three tables.
Saturday [5 March]
Went to the office before breakfast & with the PR all the rest of the morning. Went over to see him early. Discussed leave,
he is putting up my suggestion & thinks it will be approved, if so I shall take leave just before next summer, in about 1 year
from now, or a month or two over a year. Discussed various things, the sea road bridge, & an English tutor for the Shaikh's
boys, an idea which he is very strong about. Then Spence came in, full of grievances & trembling with drink & fuss - he does.
Went with the P.R & Prior to inspect the hospital, then drove him & Barrett & Mrs B & H down to the sea wall. Met Spence,
the P.R. made a few quite impossible suggestions & hurried away leaving Spence gasping. Spent over an hour wandering
round the market, Mrs Barrett kept on wandering off & collecting a crowd by trying to buy things - usually not for sale,