Page 190 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 190



        Mail arrived.  Busy day in office as I am closing for four days.  Went up to the Palace in the afternoon & tried to screw the
        feet onto the six large bathes which the Shaikh has got - difficult job.  They are of course no use as there is no water, nor are
        all the electric fittings any good as there is no electric light.

        Sunday 3rd April

        The first day of the Eid.  Much firing of guns, flags, & shouting.  Went with Parke by car to the Shaikhs & then on to the foot
        of the little so called mountain in the middle of the island.  Lunched in a wadi & then went to call on the Shaikh.  He had not
        appeared in the morning & seemed rather tired from Ramedan, said he had been up all night at a Reading of the Koran.

        Monday 4th April

        Paid calls in the town in the morning, first on Ali Yateem, a one eyed English speaking protege of the mission, but very go
        ahead, found him unpacking a case of Dutch jam, looked very nice so got some.  He was educated by the mission but his
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