Page 193 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 193



        congratulations on the Eid - as usual, & he seemed interested in them.  He talked of hunting, silugis & hares, I asked him if he
        had seen the new Palace - but he said frigidly "we are not interested" however otherwise the visit was not such an ordeal.
        Then to Shaikh Hamed's, staying the night with one of his wives at her brother's house.  He was sitting in a room downstairs,
        open with pillars on one side & steps leading down to the Courtyard, rather a pleasant place.  He seemed in very good form,
        read all the telegrams and also discussed various diving rules.  All Daly's diving reforms are gradually being smashed as the
        narkhudas & merchants are against them & they persuade the Shaikh to relax them.  Stayed there some time & then went to
        call on Shaikh Mohamed, Abdulla was away, he has a fine Meglis, 40 feet long, but very narrow.  He is a conceited little man,
        and shouts all the time, fancies himself as a scholar & a poet, but awfully mean.  His four sons were present, except one
        disagreable baby.  Then to Shaikh Rashid's, the Shaikh's father in law, an extremely dissipated old gentleman with a bright
        red dyed beard, the Kadi tells people that he is so wicked that people should not even shake hands with him, then to the ex
        Magistrate who had borrowed a friend's Meglis to receive us & whose friend, as we left, insisted on our returning & starting
        all over again with coffee & tea etc, then to two or three of the leading merchants finally we got onto a boat & sailed back to
        Manama arriving at 3 pm.  The programme is the same at every visit, first coffee then tea then rose water sprinkled over one
        & then incense which is a sign that one can go.  Some people provide biscuits & sweets as well.  In the afternoon went up to
        the Fort to watch some sports by the Police.  Quite good, M gave away the prizes, then to the Spences, who didn't expect us
        as we refused tennis, however after some frigidness we started Bridge & then the Hakkens & the lady Dr arrived much to Mr
        Spence's displeasure.  It was very funny, the Lady Dr then caused a great sensation by drinking a large mixed vermouth.
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