Page 198 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 198
Sunday [10 April]
Went along sea wall & to the docks in the morning. The docks really do look imposing & are getting on very well. Took Parke
& motored out to the old Portugese fort in the afternoon. Its an enormous place & must have looked very fine in its time,
huge walls & towers, now all fallen down & in ruins. The view from the top was very attractive, palms down by the shore &
the blue sea beyond & the town showing along the coast. Sat there for some time & then motored back. Parke, Holmes &
Pickering came to dinner. Played Bridge. Spences were asked but he had a chill.
Monday [11 April]
Abdulla b Jabr came in with a message from the Shaikh asking me to enquire from the lady Doctor as to what was the matter
with Shaikh Abdulla's girl, destined for his son Mubarak. The Dr said she suspected consumption but couldnt say for sure so
the marriage, which was fixed up ages ago, & for which the dowry is paid & clothes bought, is indefinitely postponed. Court
in the morning. Tennis & tea at the Mission.