Page 203 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 203



        Up boat came in, very early.  Mrs Barrett returned.  Court in the morning.  Sulman didnt come so took cases myself then
        went to call on Mohamed Sherif who talked interestingly about bin Saoud & of local politics, then down to the Customs to
        show de G what we propose doing about the filling in of ground round docks.  In morning saw Ali b. Khalifa.

        Dined with Parke & motored out to Suk al Khamis & round by Budeya after dinner.

        Tuesday [19 April]

        Not a very busy morning.  Motored out to Portugese Fort after tea & tried to do a sketch - but no good.  Then went to see
        Barrett.  He has orders to go to Kuwait, by the next up boat, for 6 months certainly but evidently doesn't expect to return
        here.  His successor is to be one Alban, quite a young new man whose father was Consul in Alexandria.  Very sorry indeed
        that he is going.

        Wednesday 20th April
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