Page 208 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 208
Meeting of Biladya, very dull. Alban attended. Some talk about possible row by Bahrainis as a protest against departure of
the Kadi. The Shaikh seems really pleased & relieved at our action in ordering him to go. Came back & worked in office
afterwards. Motored out to Essex point & then looked in at the fort before dinner, stayed there rather late.
Wednesday [27 April]
Busy morning in office. Wrote reply to Spence's complaint about the spaces inside Sea Road which he says are unhealthy. Sh
Abdulla came in to suggest taking special precautions about preventing any fuss in the town by Baharnis. Parke came in; had
a talk about the question of the Diving Reforms which Daly made & which are gradually being spoilt. Didnt go out in
afternoon but Alban & I went out to dinner with the Shaikh. Really a very pleasant entertainment. Sulman & the two boys,
two Dawasir & the Secretary of Biladya were there.
Discussed, & got sanctioned, the filling in of more ground opposite Customs. The Dawasir looked exceedingly sulky & the
Shaikh brought up the question of their money & divers again. Alban said it was to be settled by Bushire. The Shaikh was in
very good form & very pleasant, altogether enjoyed the visit. Got home at ten oclock.