Page 211 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 211
Most awkward, but I had to give in. Got a document out of him promising that he would go on next boat & holding himself
responsible for any trouble that might occur. Drove back to the Shaikhs. A perfectly ghastly road over boulders, cliffs & dry
water courses. Arrived at the Shaikhs & found all the house servants arming & preparing to come out to rescue me,
imagining that the Baharnies had made trouble. Rested awhile in Abdulla Jabr's house & sent messages to the Shaikh who
was in his hareem. Then motored home. Had a meal & a sleep. Went up to the garden. Dined at Spences, also Alban,
afterwards played Bridge.
Sunday 1st May
No Court, did a lot of letters. Played tennis at Spences, very good games, the Dr & I & Spence & Pickering. I seem lately to be
playing much better.
Monday 2nd May
Court in morning. A lot of cases, 35, took them in the big room. Tennis at Mission & Parke to dinner. Really no news.