Page 207 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 207
Monday [25 April]
Court. The Shaikh came in & he & his family called on Alban, I went with them. They all looked rather surprised at his being
so young - I'm sure they thought that. Before going we discussed the Quadi. Abda Ali came in to press the Shaikh to make
him go, he is out in the country & apparently stirring up the people against the Shaikh. The Shaikh told me to write & ask
what date he was leaving. After visiting Agency I discussed it with Alban who seemed to think he should go at once so after
consulting Shaikh Abdulla, Mohamed & Sulman I wrote to him ordering him to go by next mail & to hand over the job to the
other man. Sent copies of the letter to the Shaikh. Hope he will approve as I did it on my own without asking him. I really
think he is dangerous & should go at once without delay. Very late as was delayed in Court work. Lunch at 2.30. The Kadi
affair is like Henry ? "who will rid me of this troublesome priest".
Tennis at Hakkens, good games, then Parke, I & Spence & Alban went round to Pickerings then back. Calm again today after
the stormy weather.
Tuesday April 26th