Page 204 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 204



        The Shaikh came in the morning & I went with him over to the Agency where we stayed about two hours.  He is very sorry
        that Barrett is leaving.  Discussed the Dawasir question.  Barrett looked over the Dawasir file apparently for the first time.
        Finally having said that he would support me he said that he would leave the decision to me.  Not at all what I wanted as
        knowing that the Shaikh has been persuaded to agree to the Dawasir views I am loath to appear the deciding factor in
        turning it down.  The Shaikh argued that if they were not paid back their rents they would always feel sore about it, thinking
        themselves entitled to them, also the usual talk about the great importance of pleasing bin Saoud.  Seyed Ednan, the new
        Kadi had called on Barrett who kept him waiting for nearly two hours.  Had tea with Holmes, who admitted the possibility of
        tanks running dry.  A very excellent tea.  Spence & de G came in in the morning to discuss culverts on the sea wall.  One of my
        many jobs is being a plumber & organiser of town drains, which are nil, the more there are the worse effect, in my opinion.

        Thursday [21 April]

        Joint Court & Bahrain Court.  A lot of cases & rather a hot damp day.  Motored out after lunch to see a bridge that needs
        repair.  Ghaus, the Contractor, came to see me about culverts & also talked again about being given some title, such as Khan
        Bahadur, its like discussing sale of honours at home.  He is mad to have something in order to rival a brother in India who is a
        Khan Sahib.  I fancy Daly let him believe it was possi....  Spence, Pickering & Parke to Bridge, de G also looked in.  He seems
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