Page 200 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 200
Thursday [14 April]
The Shaikh came in as Barrett was expected but as he didnt arrive the Shaikh went back again. He stayed. Barrett arrived
soon after lunch in the horrid little Agency launch, we met him with the car at the pier. He brought two Air force men, one
Keith the other Switzer, the latter very nice. Motored them up to see the Palace & the landing ground & then to the Agency.
People to tea, Barrett & the RAF, Spences Parke Pickering etc. Had two tables at Bridge. Its still nice weather, not really hot
Friday [15 April]
Various people came to call, to say goodbye to Marjorie, Fahad al Bassam & two of the Kanoos, later the Shaikh.
Most awkward, the Kanoos insisted on giving M a hideous necklace, however she can sell it at home to buy them some
presents. This business of presents is such an awful nuisance. The Shaikh talked about the Dawasir, wants to pay them
back the rents of their confiscated property for three years. Absurd, when they left they were told that if they went they