Page 196 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 196



        Thursday 7th [April]

        Shaikh Sulman came in the morning & we had a Court, only about a dozen cases but several long ones.  A fellow from the
        Yemen who lives at Hyderbad came to call, one Sayed Hasan bin Ali Alahad ul Yamani.  I couldnt quite place him, nor could
        the Shaikh who sent him on to see me.  After lunch motored out along the Sakhrir road to see about mending the very
        narrow part, took Mohd Khalil and one Sh Ahmed b Mohd, a daft looking creature much favoured by the old Queen who is
        giving over a lot of her, & Shaikh Isa's property to him, he owns the gardens adjacent to the road.  Had a good look at the
        place & decided to fill in the ditch and build a new one inside the gardens.  It will make a big difference.  A lot of Baharnis
        turned up & we bargained over their doing the job & finally settled it for Rs 650/- - I think quite cheap.  Then they invited me
        to drink coffee, rather to my surprise, in a wayside mosque.  I did so, removing my shoes.  They produced a tray of really
        horrid looking food so had to taste some.  The fat old priest of the mosque is a great character, apparently, the Queen's
        agent, Said Hashim, an Arab, began laughing when he started eating & then covered his face with his headcloth & roared
        with laughter.  I asked what was the joke & was told that the priest once ate 24 chickens at one meal, he looked it, & when I
        laughed he invited me to dine with him one day & see him do it again.  People to tea & Bridge later on, Mrs Holmes came,
        the Hakkens, Spences & the lady Dr altogether 12 people which is as many as our room comfortably holds.

        Friday [8 April]
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