Page 218 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 218
Talked politics with Rashid, he is all for moving the Diving Court to Manama which would certainly be a good plan, & also in
favour of having a Biladya at Muharraq & for the 3 new Kadis as a sort of Religious Court. He's a bad looking old man & has a
red dyed beard. Dinner on the roof of the Shaikhs house, with his Meglis behind, very picturesque. Shipped off 27 Basra
"dancing girls" back to Basra.
Tuesday [17 May]
No Court but held an Enquiry about the complaints made by various Hindu merchants against Spences Landing Company.
They lost a lot of rice etc owing to getting soaked by sea & have claimed Rs 4000 from Landing Coy as compensation. Parke
& de Grenier assisted & we listened to them for about two hours. They seem to have a clear case. Afterwards Shaikh
Abdulla called & I had a long talk with him about a good many things; he's a clever strong man very different to Hamed.
Went out a drive after tea & then looked in at the Fort where I found Spence. Stayed there some time & then back to dinner.
Afterwards sat on the roof on carpets with cushions in quite the oriental style. Hagi Abda Ali Rejab called & stayed some
time, then Alban came in to discuss the matter of the Landing Coy case. Hot weather but quite dry so I really like it, so