Page 219 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 219



        different to the damp.  I see another row ahead, about the Ruling Family; claims to huge tracts of land `given' to them by Sh
        Isa - shall try & wash it out.

        Wednesday 18th May

        Took cases in the morning though not a regular day.  Went out in the afternoon to a place called Dimistan to see about a
        dispute over a date garden between one of the Dawasir Shaikhs & a Bahraini.  It turned out to be entirely about one tree.  A
        lot of feeling on both sides.  Very hot day but dry, felt like the Sudan driving out across the plains.  Came back & played tennis
        at Spences who seemed a bit sulky probably owing to the letter that I sent him on the subject of the Landing Coy.  Parke
        came to dinner, afterwards we sat on the roof where it is very pleasant & cool.  No letters by the down mail.  Alban came in
        after dinner & discussed the Spence affair, I do wish there were not so many of these rows here.  Took Parke back in the car
        after dinner.  A party of escaped slaves from the mainland came in to seek protection, blacks, an old man & wife & several
        sons.  They often come over here & are given freedom by the Agency.  de G asked me to dinner but couldnt face it.

        Thursday 19th May
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