Page 32 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 32



          Far more than anywhere else I have been in, and food is expensive too, in fact its a very dear place to live in.  150
          dogs have been poisoned, so there is less noise at night.

          Sunday May 9th

          Court in the morning.  The Sheik came in unexpectedly accompanied by his usual retinue who filled my office & drank
          coffee for some time till I left them & came back to breakfast.  Went over to Daly afterwards & he showed me his
          budget for the Sheikh's private expenditure.  Its all very well but I felt that it was rather thick cutting down his
          servants & private expenses so much.  Daly came back to the office & we went over some cases.  Didnt get back till
          after two, & after tea we motored out with the Dalys to the Shaik's palace.  M & Mrs D went a walk, with Martin, D &
          I called on the Shaik & D told him about his proposals.  Yesterday D had interviewed the Sheikh's head servant &
          had persuaded him that it was to his interest to persuade the Sheikh to agree to his arrangement.  Evidently the
          fellow went back to the Sheikh & did exactly the opposite.  We had an unpleasant interview.  The Sheikh insisted
          on one of his sons being present & the son had evidently been primed by his uncle Abdulla, whose main object in
          life is to make a row between Daly & Shaikh Hamed.  Finally Daly gave it up - pro tem - & made a dignified retreat.
          Altogether its rather an awkward situation.  D has only known one other time when the Shaikh was so obstinate.
          After dinner Daly came in again & we discussed the position.  It needs `great' care & tact but Daly is really
          wonderful with these people & of course can speak Arabic like a native.
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