Page 33 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 33



          Monday 10th May

          The political crisis has been averted!  This morning the Sheikh came in rather late & was at once surrounded by
          Sheikh Abdulla & Mohamed & others, after a few minutes I went in to see them & announced that there would be
          no Joint Court (Daly & the Sheikh) today, as D was not coming down at all.  Great effect - they all gasped.  I also
          said that Daly wished the Sheikh to meet him at the Agency on urgent business - at once.  Still greater effect.  The
          poor old fellow looked decidedly bothered & the brothers surrounded him & whispered violently for a long time.
          We walked down, the Sheikh's huge new car rolled up to the entrance of the Court, & as I saw that the brothers
          wished to come too I turned & said goodbye to them & shook hands, hopped into the car, & drove with the Sheikh
          through the town to the Agency.

          Daly had 3½ hours talk with him & settled it all.  He agreed to do everything - except give his wives a larger
          allowance! so we waived that.  In spite of it all the old fellow behaved with the greatest dignity.  He has more
          "presence" than any native I have ever seen.  One recognises immediately that he is a gentleman & a personage, &
          his manners are admirable.  He really looks very impressive driving in his huge car & bowing to the crowds of
          people who salaam to him.

          In the afternoon Geake called for us & we went to Sitrah island in a sailing boat.  Really a most delightful expedition.
          There was just enough breeze to be pleasant.  The boat was small, with a crew of three Arabs.  Sitrah, from the sea
          looked lovely, masses of palm trees growing right out to the water, & deep shady spaces behind them, so pretty,
          wished I had paints with me to do a picture.  We landed & had a picnic tea in a garden by the sea, in the shade of the
          date palms, then Geake went off to inspect his Levy Corps men, & I had a bathe.  It was gorgeous, an ideal bathing
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