Page 77 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 77
having a moonlight bathing supper, very enterprising of him, & quite a pleasant entertainment. Also present Pickering
& the Dr, besides Daly & ourselves, the Hakkens were coming but didnt turn up. Had a bathe in the pool, which is like
some of the smaller ones at Siwa, it was a lovely night & so cool that I wore a thick suit. It could have been so much
more amusing with a few lively people - the company, not the entertainment, were at fault.
Tuesday [27th July]
Court, 19 cases, there are a lot nowadays, one, a quarrel between a husband & wife, the wife being 9 years old
the husband about 16. They marry young here. But most of the cases are dull, debts & diving quarrels. The car is
running badly. A second hand car is a doubtful pleasure. I am beginning to think it is more bother than it is worth.
Took it down to Daly's after tea & we messed about with its inside for two hours, then came back & took M out for a
drive. It seemed to go a little better. M has been seedy lately with slight fever, cant think what it is.
Wednesday [28th July]
Its still quite coolish as the "shamaal" is blowing. Went over to Muharraq in the afternoon alone. A good breeze so
took no time sailing across. Had a lot to do, some property to look at & people to see, then motored out to Sheikh
Abdulla's in his car. A nice drive across on flat sandy plain about four miles, to his summer residence, a pleasant place
in a garden. Sat there an hour drinking coffee & talking to him. He is always very amiable, & unfortunately far more