Page 79 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 79



          Spent most of the morning underneath the car cleaning it & oiling it.  I detest machinery, a dirty hot messy job, then

          wrote some letters.  M still seedy with a temperature of 102 .  Went to tennis at Daly's, only had one sett, & that was
          with missionaries - so I didnt enjoy it.  Stayed on after to talk to Daly about Parke.  Cool day.  Really not much news.

          Monday Aug. 2nd

          Missed a couple of days & now cannot remember anything that happened on them.  Went over to Muharraq before
          breakfast.  Met Shaikh Abdulla & discussed with him the question of a new quay.  Stayed over there some time as he
          was late.  I went there & back in an ordinary launch, quite amusing.  Afterwards Diving Court.  Went down to see the
          new house in the evening.  It is getting on extremely well, & quickly, & they say it will be ready by middle of next
          month.  Went for a drive out past the palace & new tank.  Wrote to Park about Levy Corps appointment & sent him a
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