Page 91 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 91



          there is no fuss & bother over warrants but one just puts people into prison - & leaves them there.  Took Parry out for
          a drive in the car down to the sea shore near the Portugese Fort.  Quite a nice drive.

          Monday 23rd [August]

          Busy day at the office.  Motored in the evening out past the palace & to Essex point, very pretty there a lovely sunset.
          Called in at the Fort in the morning, a very youthful sub is up there now & seems to be keeping the place quite tidy.

          Tuesday 24th August

          Court in the morning & a fair lot of cases.  Very hot damp day, the wind has fallen.  Got back to breakfast at 9.30 &
          then had to hurry back to the office, then to the Levy Corps where I stayed till 1.30.  They are going to push off some
          of the L.C. by the next boat on Thursday - much fuss & talk about it all, it does so annoy me to hear so much about
          machine guns & silliness, I'm not a pacifist but I get annoyed by such an over dose of would be show of force - naval.
          As I write now Daly & Parry are sending off some sailors to catch a wretched diver merely because he happens to be a
          relation of one of the criminals all armed to the teeth & talking as if they were going out against an army instead of
          against a wretched unarmed diver who probably is perfectly harmless & afraid.  Went to Spences after that played
          tennis, two quite good setts not many people there.  Rather bored.  Shall be glad when the new house is built.  The
          fort is full of fleas.

          Wednesday & Thursday [25 & 26 August]

          Can remember nothing.

          Friday [27 August]

          Holiday.  Wrote letter in morning - usual Friday tennis in afternoon, very dull.  The Missionaries are so tedious.

          Saturday [28 August]
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