Page 94 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 94



          Much fuss & arranging for the arrival of Col Prideaux.  The "Laurence" late, as usual, but I had lunch first before going
          out to meet him.  The Sheikh & Sheikh Abdulla called in the morning.  After lunch went to the Palace & then drove
          down with them all to the Customs, went out in the Sheikh's launch to the Laurence, the three Sheiks & various of
          their sons.  Went aboard.  Col Prideaux & a rather tiresome young new under secretary on board.  P has a quite
          deplorable manner with natives & certainly gave the worst impression, appeared to be in a bad temper, but
          actually is always like that.  The Sheikh looked miserable & referred everything to me.  After an unpleasant half
          hour the Sheikhs retired.  We had arranged for a sort of reception in the big Meglis room but P didnt seem to fancy
          the idea but went after tea to the Sheikhs house.  Daly very frigid & taking no trouble to hide how bored he is by
          P's presence.  Altogether very difficult.  The Secretary, though constantly snubbed, is a conceited creature.  Old P
          isnt really so bad but has a mumbling manner, a plain old personage, very pink with white hair & over fat in the
          waistcoat.  No Bridge as not a four.  Slept round the corner of the veranda 9 feet off P & the Sec - rather like mixed
          batheing or a French comedy - disagreable, the house is too full.  The Secretary is rather an affected young man.  In
          the afternoon the usual tennis party, all the people came.  Played one very dull game & then looked on.  Col P went
          to call on the Sheikh.

          Saturday 4th Sept

          Court in the morning, a lot of cases but all small ones of a dull description.  Got back late for breakfast & late for
          lunch.  Dawdled about in afternoon & then M & I went out with Col P & the Secretary to Budeaya, in our & the
          Shaikh's cars.  I drove out with him & back with the secretary, who I dislike.  He was quite pleasant and amiable.
          Really he isnt so bad, but Daly cant stand him & does nothing to entertain him, leaving the brunt of it to us.  Daly has
          been seedy & really isnt in good form.  We have not got a four for Bridge & Daly is determined not to ask anyone in as
          he thinks if life is sufficiently dull P & the Sec will leave earlier, he certainly is doing his best to push them off.  They
          are sending 2 platoons of Indian Army here pro tem till we get a new Levy Corps & police, & Parke is to come as soon
          as possible.  I look forward to his arrival.  He is to be assistant to Adviser besides O.C. Police so I shall I hope have less
          work to do.

          Monday 6th Sept

          Busy morning.  Looked at the house after tea.  It may be ready by time the Barrats arrive - I hope so.  Dined with the
          Sheikh.  Quite a big party.  Col P & Secretary, who is called Prior, Spence & Pickering, Daly & ourselves, & de Grenier.
          Abdulla & Muhamed were both present, also two officers from the Cyclamen.  An enormous dinner, three whole
          sheep, beautifully cooked & a lot of chickens, stewed meat, fruit etc.  Quite pleasant, but Col P casts a decided gloom
          on every party & his manner to the Sheikh & others is dreadful.  He seems so bored & fed up by all of them.  Left
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