P. 325

                    HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NAVY.           293
         The naval historian, after commenting at length on Captain
       Warrington's conduct, which he stigmatizes as it justly deserves,
       adds:  "The Governor-General of India, the Lieutenant-Cio-
       vernor of Java, and the different heads of departments through-
       out the British dominions in the East,  also the King's Navy,
       and the King's Army, serving there, have all been unanimous in
       bestowing the tribute of praise upon tlie noble behaviour  of
       Lieutenant Boyce."
         It was indeed a terrible alternative that was placed before him,
       when the demand came from over the water that he was to
       strike his flag or be sunk there and then; the tiuie for consider-
       ation afforded him was but  short, but it was long enough for
       the gallant  ofiicer, who did not  hesitate a moment as to the
       course he should pursue.  Urged by a sense of the duty he
       owed to the  flag of his country, a duty paramount to  all con-
       siderations based on the absolute certainty of defeat, perhaps of
       annihilation, from the guns of a ship three times his size, and
       nnder whose  fire his  little craft hiy almost  defenceless,  the
       Commander of the 'Nautilus' replied to the insolent demand of
       the American by an equally haughty refusal.  After the require-
       ments of honour and duty had been satisfied, Boyce hauled
       down his flag, himself severely, and his first-lieutenant mortally,
       wounded, and his only other officer—for at this time the 'Nau-
       tilus  '  was as shorthanded in officers as in European seamen
       a prisoner on  board the  ' Peacock.'  The  dL'tcrmination of
       Captain Warrington to have " a brush with the brig," was shown
       by the remark of the purser, who, as well as the other officers
       was doubtless aware of the intentions of his captain.  Though
       a Court of Inquiry, held on the conduct of Captain Warrington
       by the officers of his own Service, acquitted him of  all blame,
       and American papers  vied with each other  in extolling the
       "hero," whose capture of the little brig conferred considerable
       "glory" on the Yankee Navy, yet his unseemly haste to shed
       blood, when  it could be done with conjparative impunity, will
       ever brand his name with ignominy among brave and  right
       thinking men of both  countries.  The Governor-General of
       India  in  Council  said of him:  "He contemplates Captain
       Warrington's proceeding as destitute of any possible extenua-
       tion ;" and (Jommodore Hayes, who, on his return from .lava,
       had resumed his office of Master-Attendant at Calcutta, described
       Captain Warrington in his despatch, as " the  ruffian who has
       alike dishonoured himself and disgraced the Columbian Eagle."
         It would appear that the Captain and officers of the  ' Peacock,'
       in seeking  to enhance the " glory" of their victory over the
       ' Nautilus,' magnified  her  size according  to  the  invariable
       custom of American officers in describing the British ships they
       captured, which were,  indeed,  in every  instance  of  inferior
       force.  In  1833, however, the same  ' Peacock'  visited Aden
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