P. 329

                 HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NAVY.           297
    small  to  enable  liira  to  attack the  fort  of Seedgliiir,  near
    Malvvan, but in March, a portion of H.M. 89th Regiment, bound
    by sea  for Bancoot, was obliged by adverse winds to put into
    Malvvan.  Colonel Imlach directed their immediate disembarka-
    tion, and with the combined  force, renewed the designs he had
    formerly been compelled to abandon.  On the  15th of ^lurch
    he moved to Seedghur, and, on the following day, opened  iire
    from a battery, which, by noon, produced so great an effect that
    the garrison evacuated the fort by the opposite  side.  On the
    28th he proceeded to Bliugwuntghur, and, having driven in the
    enemy's outposts, that place was likewise abandoned.  Its fall
    was followed by that of r>eoghur. which was evacuated, and by
    the capitulation ofComptaand Acheera, so that the liritish force
    was placed in  full occupation of the province of Salsec.*  The
    last important service of the Bombay Marine in this quarter,
    was the dislodgment of the enemy from a position on the banks
    of the Dewghur river.  The following was the order published
    by the Bombay Government referring to this service  :
                                  " Bombay Castle, 14tli May, 1818.
       "The Right Hon. the Governor in Council has much  satis-
     faction in announcing his approbation of the gallant conduct of
     the detachment under Brevet Captain Hughes,  assisted by
     Captains Robson and Dominicetti,t and a party of the seamen and
     marines belonging to the Hon. Company's cruisers,  ' Prince of
     Wales' and  '  Sylph,' on the occas-ion of an attack made on the
     advanced posts of the enemy on the banks of the Dewghur river,
     when the enemy was surprised with the loss of above twenty-
     five killed and wounded and nine prisoners."
       The Governor- General was pleased  to order three months
     full batta as gratuity to be issued  to the troops and seamen
     employed on service in the Concan.
       Among matters  of interest connected  with  the Bombay
     Marine, other than  its war  services, may be mentioned  the
     launch at Bombay, on the 28th of December, iSlS, from the
       * » Memoir of the Operations of the British Arruj in India, (liirinj^ tlio Mnh-
     ratta Campaign  of 1817, 1818, and 1819."  By  Lieutenant -Colonol VaU>ntnie
     Blacker, C.B.  The military results of the  bri.-f Maliralta War,  wliicli forms
     the most salient feature in the eventful administration of Lord Moim, better
     known as the JMarquis of Hastings, may besummeil up in a few words. Between
     November, 1817, and June, 1818, twenty actions were fought  in tlic field, and
     one hundred and twenty forts, many scarcely accessible, some dccuud imi>rcg-
     iiable, fell by surrender, siege, or stoVm, the distance between tiic most northern
     and most southern of these forts being not less than seven liundred mdes.  Ihe
     forces engaged on cither side cannot well be comjiarcd for want of accurate know-
           Colonel Blacker, in his " Memoir of the Openitions," hiws estnnatecl the
     a^Tcgate  strengtli  of  tlio Mahralta armies at two hundred and  seventeen
                                        including tlie aux.hary and
     thousand,  while the  British  forces  in  the  field,
     irregular troops, amounted to one hunch-ed and sixteen thousand, of whom only
     thirteen thousand were Europeans.            .      .
       t This young ofllcer, distinguislu^d both forliis enterprise and scientihc attain-
     meuts, was lost to the Service by death early in 1821.
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