P. 331
—; ;
' Hastings,' in honour of the Governor-General, and passed into
the harbour under a Royal salute from the battery.
The following table of precedence* in India, was fixed by the
warrant of the Prince Regent, dated the 31st of May, 1814 :
" The Governor-General ; the Vice-President and Deputy-
Governor of Fort William; the Governor of Madras; the
Governor of Bombay ; the Governor of Prince of Wales' Island ;
the Chief Justice of Calcutta; Chief Justice of Madras; the
Lord Bishop of Calcutta ; the Members of the Supreme Council
the Members of Council, Madras ; the Members of Council,
Bombay ; the Puisne Judges of Calcutta ; the Puisne Judges
of Madras ; the Recorder of Bombay ; the Recorder of Prince
of Wales' Island ; the Commander-in-chief of H.M.'s Naval
Forces ; General und Flag-officers above the rank of i\Iajor-
Geueral ; Superintendent of Marine, Bombay ; Major-Generals
and Rear-Admirals ; Captain of the Fleet, as Junior Rear-
Admiral ; Brigadier-Generals, Commodores with broad pen-
nants, and First Captain to the Naval Commander-in-Chief;
Colonels, Post-Captains of three years, and Commodores
Hon. Company's Marine; Hon. Company's xVdvocates-General
of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay ; Senior Merchants, the
Archdeacons of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, Lieutenant-
Colonels, Post-Captains under three years, and Senior Captains
Hon. Company's Marine ; Junior Merchants, i\Iajors, Masters
and Commanders, Members of the J\Iedical Board, Commanders
of regular Indiamen, and Junior Captains Hon, Company's
Marine ; Commanders Hon. Company's Marine ; Factors,
Captains in the Army, Lieutenants in the Navy, Surgeons,
Chaplains, Lieutenants Hon. Company's Marine, Commanders
of extra Indiamen and Packets ; AVriters, Lieutenants in the
Army, Second Lieutenants Hon. Company's Marine, Assistant
Surgeons and Veterinary Surgeons; Second Lieutenants in the
Army ; Lieutenants Fire-workers, Ensigns and Cornets
Adjutants and Quartermasters not holding superior com-
missions; Midshipmen of the Navy, Cadets and Volunteers,
Hon. Company's (Bombay) Marine.
In 1820 the Bombay Marine were actively engaged at Mocha.
It was a period of fifty years since they were last employed on
a mission to this seaport, which, on that occasion, resulted in
the Commodore obtaining the satisfaction he was sent by the
Bombay Government to demand, without the necessity of firing
a shot. On this second visit, which was due to the following
circumstance, affairs were not settled so amicably. In the
month of July, 1817, says Captain R. L. Phiyfair. in his
valuable "History of Arabia Felix or Yemen," a dispute arose
between Lieutenant Dominicetti of the Bondiay Marine, com-
manding the Hon. Company's cruiser ' Prince of Wales,' then
* In this table of precedence, which we liiive copied frcnn tlic Bengal Ahiiansick
of 1820. there is no mention of the Commanders-in-Chief of the three PresiJeucies.