P. 335

     hour to force an entrance, the retreat was rehictantly ordered,
     and with difficulty effected, many having to swim to the boats,
     which were found to be riddled with  bullets.  The storming
     party sustained a loss of eight killed and twentj'-four wounded,
     the detachments from the  ' Topaze' and 'Benares' being the
     chief sufierers.  The ships reopened their fire on the return of
     the shore party.
       On the following morning another flag of truce was received,
     which was followed by two hostages, who conveyed an assurance
     from the Dowlah that, in fourteen days, the demands should be
     complied with.  This term of grace was conceded, but, on  its
     expiration, a deputation of merchants came on board, praying
     for a  further prolongation, in consequence of  the approach
     of the Bedouins, who, they expected, would enter and plunder
     Mocha  in the confusion  ; as two of the deputation engaged to
     go to Zebeed, and bring in Haji Futteh, two  additional days
     were granted, on condition that, before the date of the expiry of
     the truce, a notification should be received that the ex-Dowlah
     was on the road.
       The unsuccessful attack on the North Fort, however, had led
     the Dowlah and his people to suppose that their  fortifications
     were  impregnable,  and  they,  accordingly,  delayed  their
     submission.  The truce of fourteen days was, under various
     pretences, extended to twenty, daring which })reparations were
     making on both  sides  for  a renewal  of hostilities.  British
     prestige having suffered by the repulse experienced in the attack
     on the North Fort, it was decided  to direct the  first efforts to
     destroying the work.  Accordingly, the  ' Benares' and  ' Antelope,'
     each equipped with two additional long 18-pounders and an
     8-inch mortar, and the  ' Thames,' with her two long 18-pounders
     and 13-inch mortar, were hauled in under the north side of the
     fort, at a distance of less than 600 and 400 yards respectively  ;
     while the 'Topaze' took up a position about 800 yards to the
     westward of the  fort,  her draught of water not allowing  a
     nearer approach.  Finding that no dependence could be placed
     on the faith of the authorities, tiie flag of truce was hauled down
     on the morning of the 2()th of December, and, at seven  a.m.,
     the squadron reconnnenced the attack on the North Fort, calk-d
     "Taire,"* or the "Impregnable," a strong work of ten guns,

       * After the capture of " Taire," the Green Flag of the Prophet was found in
     the ruins, and a jioriii bv one of tlio defenders, of which the foUowinjj is a trans-
          — " It happened on a certain day that live Kiii;Usli sliips of war eanie here
     lation  :
     tofightabattlc with the warriors of this i'ort; tiieir t^niis eowKl do but iitth- against
     true behevers, for we fouglit that day—and who wouUl not iight luuh'r our gal-
     lant commander—we fought the battle of tlie Imaum, under tiio holy banner of
     our Prophet like the sons of Tliunder.  Tlicy came to land, but wc soon put
               ; we drove them to their boats, and many tiiere were of them who
     them to ilight
      bit the dust, wlio left their bodies at  tiie Ahnioody Gate festering ni the sun, a
     prey to the dogs.  Thus we Sous of Thunder  light and conquer;  let  tliem
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