P. 339

HISTORY OF THE IXDTAX XA^T.          307 ;

    the Meer.  During the da}- he was put into close confinement,
    with a guard over him, and, by an express order from the Imaum.
    his property was seized and confiscated for having transmitted
    false accounts of the  real  state of  alBPairs.  In the evening,
    Futteh Ullah returned  Captain  Brace's  visit on board the
    ' Ernaad.'
      Saturday, the  (ith of January, 1821, having been fixed for
    Haji  Futteh's affording  public atonement for  the wrongs he
    had committed, on that day, ^leer Futteh Ullah, accompanied
    by his Council, a number of other functionaries and the principal
    merchants, brought the  offender to Captain  Bruce's house,
    where were assembled Captain Lumley, the commanders of the
    Company's cruisers, and a large party of officers.  The Meer,
    leading Haji Futteh by the hand, formally announced to Captain
    Bruce that he had brought him. by the Imaum's  order, to be
    delivered up for punishment, in any way he thought proper
    that His Highness deeply regretted what had occurred, which
    had been entirely without his authority, and that he trusted,
    therefore, that this public acknowledgment would be considered
    sufficient atonement.  Pie then  delivered  Haji Futteh  into
    Ca})tain Bruce's hands, when that officer replied that sufficient
    reparation had been offered, and Haji Futteh was freely forgiven,
    an act of generosity which deeply affected the  late Dowlah,
    who, for some time, in vain attempted to give utterance to his
    gratitude.  On the following day, Captain Bruce and the Naval
    commanders, accompanied by a high official on the part of iiw
    Dowlah, rode through the Shaduli gate, hitherto undesecrated
    l)y the foot of an unbeliever, after which the l)owlah issued a
    proclamation, which was repeated  for three successive  days,
    annoimcing that no one was to presume to ofter molestation or
   insult to any person belonging to the English, in the streets or
    the different gates of the town, which were to be for their free
    use, the same as to themselves, and that any one transgressing
    this proclamation woukl be severely punished.
      On the 14th, Meer Futteh Ullah delivered to Captain Bruc
    a firman, which had been  issued by the Imaum, reducing the
    duties to  2rl- percent.; and, in the course of the following day,
    copies of the treaty, which had been sent to Sanaa, were returned,
    duly signed and  sealed by the Imaum and the members of his
    Council.*  All the demands of the Bombay Government were
   now amply fulfilled, and the British factory was jilaced on that
    honourable footing which it should ever have occupied.
      Lieutenant Kobson,t commanding the Hon. ( '()m|>any's cruiser
    'Antelope,' was  left in charge of affairs as British Resident,
     * Bombay Book of Treaties, p. ()72.
     t This gallant oflicer, who had gone throtigh great personal fatigue, ("uilered 80
    much in healtli, that he expired at Moclia on the lath of Ancnst, 1821, two days
    before the arrival of his late ship tlic 'Antelope,'  \\ith the new British Kesident,
    Captain Hutchinsou.
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