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    will signify the same to them respectivel}', and to assure them
    that I shall not fail to represent their gallant behaviour to the
    Hon. Company's Government accordingly.  I have also to return
    my warmest thanks to Lieutenant Jacob, of the Artillery, fur
    the great precision with which the shells were thrown by him
    into the town and forts of Mocha; as also to Lieutenant Tannur,
    of the Hon. Company's  ]\hxrine, who so willingly offered his
    services, and who proved particularly  useful, and whose be-
    haviour was highly meritorious, during the late arduous attack
                      " (Signed)       Gr. R. Lumley,
                              " Captain and Senior Oiiicer.
    " To the respective Captains and Commanders of
       the Hon. Company's  cruisers  ' Eenares,'
       ' Antelope,'  ' Ernaad,' and  ' Thames.'
      The Governor of Bombay in Council gave formal expression
    to his satisfiiction, in an Order, dated ]\Iarch 31, 1821, in which
    was published the following extract from  Captain Lumley's
    despatches relating to the services of the Bombay Marine  :
      " The good conduct evinced by the  officers, seamen, and
    Sepoys, of the Hon. Company's vessels, merit the fullest praise;
    the ready obedience  to all my orders, even the frequent antici-
    pation of them (produced by a sense of what the innnediate
    exigencies of the Service required), marked particularly the zeal
    of Lieutenants Faithful and Kobson, and the position in which
    they always placed  their vessels, denoted as strongly their
    ability  as  officers.  I have  to express my  satisfaction with
    Lieutenant Jones, commanding the  ' Ernaad,' and Second-Lieu-
    tenant Ehvon of the 'Thames,' Lieutenant Tanner, passenger
    in the 'Antelope,' very handsomely  volunteered  his  services
    where he might be useful."
      The Captain of the  ' Topaze,' than whom the  British Navy
    did not possess a more gallant or meritorious otKcer, died on the
    23rd of July,  1(S21, in a great measure owing  to excessive
    exertion and exposure during the operations at  ]\Iocha.  He
    was buried at Penang on the 2.Sth of July, greatly mourned by
    all who knew him, and not less by his country, in whose service
    he had lost an arm and had suffered other wounds.  Lieutenant
    Faithful also died on the 22iid of April, 1823, and as Lieutenant
    Robson expired on the 15th of August, 1821, from the over-
    fatigue he had undergone, death soon removed the three prin-
    cipal actors in the capture of the Mocha forts.
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