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         Political Agent, agreed to grant them a truce until tlie pleasure
         of his Government should be known, and a treaty was concluded
         at Bunder Abbas, dated the fith of Februar}', 1806, by which
         they agreed to give np the 'Trimmer,' the  ' Shannon' having
         been previously restored completely stripped, and to " respect
         the  flag and property of the Hon. East India Company and
         their subjects," and " to assist and protect" any English vessels
         touching on  their coast.  Captain Seton represented  to  his
         Government that "the whole bulk of the Joasmis were desirous
         of returning to their former mercantile pursuits/' but he had
         suffered himself to be cajoled by these wolves in sheeps' clothing.
         Pirac}^ was bred in the bone among these  restless, truculent
         Arabs, and the fleets of large and heavil^^-armed dhows moored
         in the harbours  of Shargah and Ras-ul-Khyraah, were not
         destined for the peaceful pursuits of pearl-fishing on the Bahrein
         coast, but for deeds of rapine and blood.
           For a brief period the Joasmis continued true to the pro-
         visions of the treaty of 1806, so  far as regarded the British
         ships cruising in the Gulf; but it is probable that this tempo-
         rary abstention from  acts of piracy on the British  flag, was
         induced only by a fear of the consequences, as we find that
         during the year 1807, owing to the exigencies of European
         politics, there was a powerful squadron of ships of war in the
         Persian Gulf.  Urged on by the intrigues of General Sebastiani,
         special envoy of Napoleon, then in the very height of his power,
         the Turkish Government, in December, 1806, declared war against
         Russia, with which Power we made common cause, though
         indeed the  Czar Alexander had  forestalled  the  Porte  by
         invading what are now known as the Danubian  Principalities.
         Sir John Duckworth was despatched by Lord Collingwood in
         February, 1807, to coerce the Sultan, and that admiral actually
         forced the  Dardanelles,  and  arrived within  eight hours  of
         Constantinople, when,  being hampered by the action of the
         British Minister, precious time was lost, the defences of the city
         were strengthened, and Duckworth was forced to retire without
         accomplishing anything.  In order to assist in bringing Turkey
         to her senses through her Asiatic possessions, a squadron was
         despatched to the Persian Gulf from Bomba}^ consisting of
         H.M.S.  ' Fox,' Captain Hon. A. Cochrane, and eight of the
         Company's cruisers.  The  ' Fox' took the Persian Ambassador
         up the Gulf, and proceeded to Al-Koweit, or Grane,* whence she
         soon afterwards returned  to Madras, the Turkish Governor
         disclaiming the acts of his Government.  The squadron  of
          * Al Koweit—for the English name Grane  is a corruption, and  is utterly
         unknown to the Arabs of the Grulf, says Captain Constable in his " Persian Gulf
         Pilot —is, perhaps, the best port in the Gulf, and contains a population of
         some twenty-five thousand  souls  of  the  Uttobee  tribe,  while  it  numbers
         one hundred and  thirty tradhig  vessels, between  thirty and  three hundred
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