P. 359

      was taken possession of; but the heavy fire of musketry which
      was opened from the shore, obliged the captors to abandon her,
                            In this preliminary affair, Lieutenant
      after setting heron fire.
      Allen, commanding the  ' Prince of Wales,' gained great praise.
      This  officer ran  alongside the  ' \Iinerva'  as  she  lay  under
      protection of the guns of the fort, but unfortunately grounding,
      his ship became exposed  to a  heavy and  destructive  fire.
      Lieutenant Allen managed to bring some guns to bear on the
      enemy, and returned  their fire so efi'ectually as to drive them
      out of the fort.  In this  affair the  ' Prince of Wales' had two
      men  killed, and many,  including Mr. J. lirown,  boatswain,
      wounded.  The squadron now anchored abreast of the town,
      and preparations were made for the attack, and for landing the
      troops  when  some  impression  had  been made  upon  the
        "The warm defence made from the  shore, and  the well-
      directed  fire kept up to prevent the  ' Minerva' being got  off.
      began to show us," says an eye-witness, "that we had to deal
      with an eneni}'' on whom we had not set sufficient value  ; added
      to whi('h,  it being now discovered that the  frigates could not
      get within three miles of the town, owing to the shallowness of
      the water, and having lost our only bomb vessel, the prospect
      was far from cheering."
        The only means for cannonading or bombarding with any
      effect, were thus confined to the smaller cruisers,  supportt-d by
      the gunboats, and such an attack was accordingly uiade on
      the  12th,  but, notwithstanding a heavy  fire of shot and  shell
      maintained,  says  Captain Wainwright,  " with  considerable
      effect  for three hours," the  inhabitants, from  the numerous
      batteries and entrenchments thrown up in front of the town,
      kept up a cool and  well-directed  fire, which did considerable
      mischief.  The narrow, low peninsula on which Kas-ul-Khymali
      stands,  is about three-fourths of a mile in  length, and  the
      breadth of the isthmus does not exceed one-fourth of a mile;
      across the latter was a high wall flanked by four towers, and
      along the sea front were the batteries and entrenchments before
      alluded to, evidently thrown up under the direction of some
      Euro])ean.  The harbour  is formed by this peninsula and the
      mainland opposite, and is about half a mile broad  ; but nearly
      the whole of the piratical  ileet was hauled up along the inner
      side of the town.  The number of armed men in the ])lace was
      about five thousand, but it was known that a much greater force
      could be drawn to their assistance, in the course of two or three
      days, from the adjacent ports.  Towards the outer end of the
      harbour, the houses were so extremely close that landing appeared
      impracticable; also the wall across the  isthmus opposed great
      obstacles to landing at the south end of the town, while  the
      strong garrison and the numerous noujad population, rendered
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