P. 361

     made this measure more advisable. When prepared to advance
     into the town, an attack was commenced on some of the most
     commanding buildings, by effecting lodgments  in the adjacent
     ones, supported b}' the fire of field-pieces, and the cross fire of the
     gunboats,  but, formidable as this nature of attack appeared,
     the obstinate defence showed that progress by this mode would
     be most  tedious.  In Kas-ul-Khymah,  as  in most Eastern
     towns, the huts of the poor are intermingled with the houses of
     the  rich, presenting a most motley appeararance, the former
     being constructed with kajan,  (the small branches of the date
     tree closely interwoven), and the latter of large whitish bricks,
     which, at a  little distance, have the appearance of good  stone.
     Most of the larger houses now became separate  fortifications,
     but this circumstance was turned to their destruction  for, by
     setting  fire to the huts, and the wind blowing along the town
     from the  point at which the landing was eft'ected, the houses
     became enveloped in  flames, and the Joasmis were gradually
     smoked out of their positions.  The most obstinate and gallant
     resistance was made,  howev^er, by the defenders of some of
     these buildings.  In one instance, a large house was defended
     even after the British had scaled the roof and had  droi)i)ed
     several  hand grenades  into  it,  through  holes worked  with
     their bayonets, when at last its defenders rushed out and matle
     a gallant, though vain, attempt to cut their way through  the
     troops that surrounded  it.
       It was two in the afternoon before the British troops had
     worked their way to the centre of the town, where was situated
     the palace of the Sheikh or Governor.  It was expected that a
     desi)erate effort would have been made here by the enemy to
     rally, but, finding the compact order of the British not to be
     shaken, and the fire of their artiller}^ most destructive, they
     were soon dislodged from it.  The height of this buihling, and
     of  its tower, gave such a command over its neighbom-hood,
     that the enemy found any further steady resistance vain  ; they
     still, however, defended the north end of the town, wliile the
     inhabitants  effected their escape across the harbour in  boats,
     which it was not the wish of the commanders to prevent.
       By four o'clock the seamen of the squadron had set firo to
     upwards of fifty vessels, thirty of them being very large war
     dhows;* the guns of some of these were loaded, and many of
     the dhows, and  of the houses, had depots of ginipowdi-r, the
     explosion of which, with the general conflagration  in the town
     and harbour, added  to the  scene  of desolation and  misery
     attendant on a town taken by assault, and presented a striking
     picture.  Ras-ul-Khymah was I'ound  to contain goods of very
     considerable value, and, to judge from appearances, so comj)Iete
     had been the confidence of  the enemy  in  themselves,  that
          * Captain Wainwright'a despatch of the Itth of ^'ovoInbcr, 1809
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