P. 409

                   HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NAVY.           377

     viper's head, and inscribed with the words 'The reward of
     fidelity and valour.'
       By an Order, dated the 7th of September, 1808, the Governor
     in Council directed that the Havildar, Sheikh Ebrani, should
     be promoted as a reward for his gallant conduct whilst in com-
     mand  of  a detachment on  board  the  ' Fury,'  eight  g'uns,
     Lieutenant Gowan, when attacked by  pirates in the Persian
     Gulf; and, by an Order of the 4th of February, 1809, all tiie
     widows of men of the Marine Battalion who were  killed on
     board the  'Sylph,' were pensioned from  the  date  of  their
     husbands' decease.
        In 1809 a detail of the Marine Corps, under Captain Egan,
     formed part of the force employed against the Joasmi  pirates,
     and Colonel Lionel Smith, commanding the troops, praised
     them for the manner in which his orders were carried into effect.
     Government were also pleased to express their approbation of
     the services of the detachment, by orders dated  the 11th of
     March, 1810.
        The same year the following Order, prescribing the duties
     of the Sepoys on  ship-board, was promulgated by Govern-
     ment  :
                                   " Bombay Castle, April 2Sth, 1810.
        " The Honourable the Governor in Council  lias been pleased
     to order the following regulation to be framed for the govern-
     ment and conduct of the Marine Sepoys, serving on board the
     Hon. Company's cruisers, with the view of defining their duties,
     so as to prevent the recurrence of complaints between the two
     branches of the Marine service.
        "The Sepoys are  to  assist in working  the ship below, in
     hauling up and paying down cables, in hoisting in and out of
     boats, water and provisions, and in manning the tackle-falls on
     all occasions.  2nd. They are to draw and luuul along water for
     the purpose of washing the ship, and are personally to clean
     out their own berths.  3rd. They are not to wash their clothes
     but upon days specifically approved by the regulation of the
     ship.  4th. They are notto be compelled to go aloft, to scrub
       * In March, 1803,  tlio  following was announced  in Government Orders  :
     •'  There being a vacancy in tlie Marine battalion, resolved tliat Havildar Sheikh
     Abdul Rayman be promoted  to the rank of Jemadar,  vice Soolannin  Israil,
     removed to the 6th Regiment.  Government being happy at the opportunity of
     distinguishing such meritorious military conduct as evhiced by Sheikli Abdool
     Bayman in tho action with tlie piratical galivats on the 27th  of January last,
     when under the command of Sergeant Evans, date of promotion, February 2Gth,
     1 803
       "  By the officer Commanding-in-Chicf. Government acknowledging the gallantry
     and good conduct of the Marine Battalion that served under Sergeant Kvans, has
     in their  liberality been  jileased to  order, tliat  oaeli  of tho non-commissioned
     otiicers and privates shall receive two months' pay us a gratuity.  Lieutenant-
     Colonel Williamson will be pleased to indent for tho amount and to present tho
     reward to the detachment in such public manner as he nniy judge proper to pro-
     mote zeal aud emulation in the corps."
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