P. 411


                  HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NAVY.           379
    worthy  of a marked testimony of  public  approbation,  the
    Governor in Council is for this purpose, pleased to direct that
    a silver badge, with a suitable inscription, be presented to each
    man of the party as enumerated in the following  list."  (Here
     follows the  list of promotions and the names of the seventeen
     faithful Marines.)  The badges were accordingly presented to
    the men on general parade by the x4djutant-Geueral of the
    Army, on the 3rd of September,  1811, the Commander-in-
     Chief complimenting the detachment in handsome terms in the
     orders of the day.*
       An haviklar  of the Marine Battalion having greatly dis-
     tinguished himself while employed  in  the 'Dart,' pattamar,
     against the piratical vessels in the Gulf of Cutch, the Governor
     in  Council, by an  Order,  dated  the 25th  of March, 1812,
     promoted him to the rank of jemadar in the 2nd Battalion 7th
     Regiment Native Infantry.
       A detachment of the corps serving on board the  ' Benares,'
     cruiser,  was  employed  with  other troops and  seamen  at
     Macassar oii the 8th of June, 181 G.  The Orders published on
     the 28th of August, speak handsomely of their conduct. A
     havildar and two privates were  killed, and a naique and three
     privates wounded.  The same detachment having for a time
     been transferred to the 'Nautilus' cruiser whilst to the eastward,
     distinguished themselves in the action with tiie  ' Peacock,' and
     Lieutenant Boyce spoke  of them  in  the highest terms. A
     detachment from the Marine Battalion, under the orders of
     Captain William Morrison, of the 9th Regiment, was employed
     in the reduction of the Forts of Severndroog, which surrendered
     on the 4th of December, 1817, and the complimentary General-
     Orders of the Governor in Council have already been referred
       On the 23rd of January, 1818, tlie following Order directing
     the Marine Battalion to be formed  into a regular regiment of
     the Line, was issued to the Army  :
                                    " Bombay Castle, Jan. 21, 1818.
       " His Excellency the most noble the Governor-General  in
     Council having been pleased  to direct the formation of the
     Marine Battalion into a Regidar regiment of the Line, the Right
     Hon. the Governor in Council, in giving ettect to his Lordship's
      * The conduct of the detachment which served on board the  ' Aurom,' in
     refusing to enter the French service, as before specilied  in the Goneral Orders of
     Government, is thus noticed in  tlic Uonouniblo Court's letter of June  (>, 1812,
     publislied to the Army December 15th, 1.S12  :
      Para. 151.  " The conduct of the Native JIarines in refusing to enfor the
     French  service under the  circumstances  described,  is  highly  creditable  to
     their fidelity, and well deserving the rewards which you have bestowed upon
     them.   —
      Para. 152. "We desire that you will cause tliese sentiments of approbation
     to be  officially communicated to them, as well as our sanction of the rewards
     being conferred upon them."
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