P. 464

432           HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NAVY.           —

       credit.  To Captain Hardy, who commanded the naval part of
       the force, and who was engaged with the gunboats during my
       absence endeavouring to remove the stakes and force a passage
       of the creek to the enemy's breastwork, and whose officers and
       seamen exerted themselves to their utmost, my sincere and
       grateful thanks are due, as well as for his cordial co-operation
       and assistance on every occasion, wherever the public service
       required it."  In this affair Mr. Graves, master's mate of the
       ' Hastings,' and five men were killed, and twent3^-two wounded,*
       of whom some died.
         Captain Hardy says, in his report to Commodore Hayes  :
       "The 'Henry Meriton  ' has been detained to convey to you
       and General Morrison, the result of the operations against
       Ramree, which, I regret to say, have failed, from causes which
       Lieutenant-Colonel Hampton  will more properly explain.  I
       am happy to say the Lieutenant-Colonel speaks in high terms
       of the good conduct and bravery of our seamen and Marines
       and I beg to recommend all the officers under my command to
       the notice of Government as deserving every praise for their
       exertion and valour on  ever}'-  occasion.  Previous  to  this
       attack with the military, we had, with a party of seamen and
       Marines, under Lieutenant Wyndham, several skirmishes with
       the enemy, and had succeeded in defeating them in two sepa-
       rate attacks, and in taking and burning two of their villages,
       strongly defended by five hundred men sent from Ramree for
       the purpose.  I reconnoitred the creek under a smart fire, and
       gave the Lieutenant-Colonel the result of all my observations,
       and also every professional information connected with the
       service.  Enclosed is a return of our killed and wounded  ; our
       boats suffered from the enemy's shot.  I further beg to acquaint
       you, that the ships and vessels under ray orders at Cheduba,
       have been actively employed on the enemy's coasts and pos-
       sessions since I took command.
         " The cutter  ' Matchless  '  is now going into Chebuda Creek,
       to undergo repairs and caulking, after which  I intend examin-
       ing Chandwah, and some of the creeks on the eastern side of
       Ramree Channel, that are said to  lead into  the L-rawaddy,
       unless called up to Arracan.  By this opportunity I have the
       pleasure to forward to you a plan of Ramree creek, channel,
       and harbour, as surveyed by my orders by Lieutenants Wynd-
       ham and Harrison, assisted by Mr. Carless,t master's mate of
       this ship, and beg to recommend those  officers to your con-
       sideration, as deserving notice."
         Throughout the Burmese War a  flotilla of gunboats was
        * Among the casualties were two soldiers of H.M's. 54tli Regiment, who had
      volunteered their  services, together witli five comrades embarked, for the benefit
       of their health, on board the Hon. Company's armed cutter  ' Matchless,' then
      commanded by the famous Lieutenant Waghorn.
        t Tlie late distinguished surveyor, Commodore Carless, I.N.
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