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ployed in conjunction Avith the armed boats of His Majesty's
A Resohition of thanks was passed by the Court of Directors
on the 24th of November, 182<), and by the Court of Pro-
prietors on the 13th and 19th of December following, to the
Military and Naval Forces of His Majesty and the Hon. Com-
pany, of which the last paragraph is to the following effect :
" Resolved unanimously—That the thanks of this Court be
given to Commodore Sir James Brisbane, C.B., and to the
captains and officers of His Majesty's and the Company's ships,
who co-operated with the Army in the Burmese War, for their
cordial, zealous, and most useful exertions, and to the crews of
His Majesty's and Company's ships and boats employed in
that service, for their spirited and intrepid conduct on all
occasions, and that the Commander of His Majesty's ships on
the India station be requested to communicate the thanks of
this Court to the officers and men under his command."
But the most highly prized honour was the Vote of Thanks
of the House of Commons on the 8th of May, 1827, and of the
House of Lords on the 14th of May, to the gallant officers and
men lately engaged in the arduous operations in Burmah, in
which the following paragraph bore especial reference to the
Naval force :
'' Resolved, nemine contradicente—That the thanks of this
House be given to the several captains and officers of His Ma-
jesty's and the East India Company's Naval forces, employed in
the late operations against Ava, for their skilful, gallant, and
meritorious exertions, which greatly contributed to the successful
issue of the war.
" Resolved, tiemine contradicente—That this House doth
highly approve and acknowledge the services of the Seamen
and Marines, serving on board the ships of His Majesty and
theEast India Company, employed in the late operations against
Ava, and that the same be signified to them by the captains of
the several ships, who are desired to thank them for their gal-
lant behaviour."
So far the captains and officers of the Bombay Marine had
onl}^ cause for gratulation, and even when Commanders Mit-
chell, Chads, Marryat, Studdert, and Ryves received post-rank,
and every lieutenant and passed midshipman belonging to the
' Alligator,' ' iirachne,' and ' Larne,' besides others of the
' Liffey,' 'Boadicea,' and 'Sophie,' many of whom had seen
little service, and some none at all, in Burmese waters, received
their promotion, they had no cause of complaint, for theirs was
a seniority Service, and the rules as to promotion admitted no
modification ; but it must have aroused feelings of bitterness,
when Captains Marryat, Chads, and Ryves were awarded the C.B.,
and no officer of similar rank in the Bombay Marine, though