Page 124 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 124
be admitted to the terms of the General Treaty with the Friendly
(literally the Pacifloated) Arabs.
Issued at Ras-ool-Khyma, in the forenoon of Saturday the twenty-second
of the month of Rubcc-ool-Awul, in the year of the Hijree
thousand two hundred and thirty five (corresponding' t0 the eighth
of January 1820 ).
W. Grant Keir,
(An exact translation) Major General.
T. P. Thompson,
Captain, 17th Light Dragoons, and Interpreter.
Copy of the Articles between the Ge- The signature of Husson
neral and Husson bin Rahmah. Witness bin Rahmah, with his own
my hand and seal. hand.
W .Grant Keir,
Major General.
Translation of the Preliminary Treaty with the Shaikh of Debaye
In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate!
Know all men, that Mahomed bin Haza bin Zaal, a minor, accom
panied by Ahmed bin Futeis, has been in the presence of General Sir
William Grant Keir, and there have passed between them the
following stipulations :—
Article I.
The people of Debaye shall surrender to the General the vessels
which are in Debaye and its dependencies, and the guns which are in
the towers ; the General will leave the boats which are for the pearl
fishery, and fishing-boats.
Article II.
The people of Debaye shall give up all the Indian prisoners, if any
such are in their possession.
Article III.
The General will not allow the troops to enter the town to lay it
waste ; and further, as a mark of consideration towards His Highness
the Imaum, Syud bin Sultan, on the part of the General, he wil
demolish the fort and towers.