Page 198 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 198



                                   auxiliary of Khalid, and declares Nujd a possession of his
                                    master’s, and avows his intention of improving and extend­
                                   ing his conquests.
                      a. d. 1839  Syud bin Mootluk, formerly Naib or Deputy of Ameer

                                   Toorkey at Brymee, but removed by his son and successor
                                   Fysul, joins the Egyptian, commander, and is by him des­
                                   patched to Ras-ool-Khyma, to persuade the chiefs oh the
                                   Coast of Oman to acknowledge in reality the authority of
                                   Mahomed Ali Pasha, but ostensibly that of his tool Khalid.
                                 The Joasmee Chief, at his instigation, summons the Beni
                                   Naeem, who had lately got possession of Brymee, to  sur-
                                   render it to the Nujdees. They nobly refuse, and apply
                                   to the Beniyas and Soh'ar Chiefs for aid to meet the common
                                   enemy. The latter sends 200 men, under his brother Ghes,
                                   to reinforce the garrison of Brymee.
 I                                 check and counteract the increasing influence of the Egyp­
                                 The Resident, with a view to re-assure the Arab Tribes, and
                                   tians, enters a solemn protest against the proceedings and
                                   intrigues of Korshid Pasha, as being in direct opposition
                                   to the assurances given by His Highness Mahomed Ali to
                                   Her Britannic Majesty’s Government, and invites the several
                                   Maritime Chieftains of Oman to certify in writing their
                                   determination to cultivate more sedulously their relations
                                   with the British Government, to abide by ils wishes and
                                   instructions, and to resist to the last extremity all attempts
                                   of Korshid Pasha to subjugate them.
                                 Syud bin Mootluk, after repeated remonstrances, at length
                                   quits Oman, and, emkarking at Shargah, proceeds to Ajeer.
                                   On his way he lands on the island of Kenn, on the Persian
                                   Coast, and forcibly carries off 400 sheep, and other pro-
                                 The Shaikh of Kateef is informed that any expedition against
                                   Oman or the   territories of the Imaum would be opposed
                                   by the British squadron in the Gulf.
                                Mahomed Effendi, an Egyptian officer of rank, is murdered
                                   by some Arabs in the suburbs of Lahsa.
                                A Ghooncha arrives at Kateef from Hodeida, in the Red Sea,
                        Nov.             ammunition and military stores, for the use ol the
                                   Egyptian forces in Nujd.
                                                            arise among the Egyptian Agents
                                Quarrels and dissensions

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