Page 263 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
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              be they Somalces, or be they Abyssinians,—one and all arc like
                The agreement for the suppression of the slave trade was shortly
              followed by another convention,* wherein His Highness established
              certain rules, regulating the amount to be paid by vessels entering the
              port of Muskat, or any other of His Highness’ ports. It was thereby
              enacted that in all the harbours pertaining to His Highness, a full duty
              of five per cent, should be exacted on all cargoes transhipped from
              one  vessel into another ; that no vessel of any nation should pay duty
              on  cargo landed at any of his ports, should such vessel have either put
              in through stress of weather, or for purpose of refit, and should such
              cargo be re-embarked in her; and lastly, it was therein stipulated that
              on no occasion should duty be charged on stores belonging to the
              British Government that might be landed at any of His Highness’ ports.
                The above rules, it will be observed, affect vessels of every nation,
              and not exclusively those of the British State, f have thought them,
              however, worthy of a passing notice, believing, as I do, that they owe
              their origin to the Resident in the Persian Gulf, who, on more than one
              occasion, found himself at a loss how to decide certain claims for im­
              munity from charges on transhipment of cargoes in Muskat harbour,
              that were referred for his decision by the British Agent at that port.
              The want of defined regulations for the settlement of such like cases
              was represented by him (the Resident) to the Bombay Government,
              and on the 13th April 1846 His Highness was induced to establish the
              rules above mentioned.
  I             Early in the summer of 1846 attention was called to the disturbed
                                    state of affairs that existed in the Imaum’s rented
                    a. d. 1846.
                                    possessions on the Persian Coast. The proceed­
              ings connected with this affair extending over a period of more than
              two years, and being well nigh productive of serious complications, it
              may not be amiss to enter somewhat fully into an account of the
              cause of the disagreement, and to watch its progress through all its
                The Imaum had two grounds of complaint ; the first, though it gave
              rise to much irritation, being comparatively speaking of little impor­
              tance, shall be told as briefly as possible, and at once diposed of:
                In the year 1846 Mahomed Ali Bundera, an influential merchant
              of Muskat, visited the town of Bushire. Meerza Abbas, at that time
              governor, hearing that the new arrival was possessed of much wealth,
              and instigated, it was said, by the evil counsels of one Meer Bauker,
              a Bushire merchant of no repute, resolved by some means or another
              to extort from his visitor a large sum of money. Mahomed Ali Bundera
                        * A copy of which will be found at page 259 of this Selection,

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