Page 258 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 258
216 MUSK AT.
unable either to uphold the dignity of his father, or to command the
obedience of his subjects. Differences arose between the Beni Jaubir and
the tribes of the AlMualik and Al Humeed, residing within the district
of Burka : hostilities commenced between Ilumccd bin Salim
Governor of Musnaah, and the Bedouins; and none of these feuds did
His Excellency find himself in a position to compose. Difficulties
succeeded difficulties. While harassed by the disaffection of his
people within, news reached of the approaoh of a Wahabce force from
without, and that the troops would shortly arrive at Brymee: Syud
Soweynee was perplexed and embarrassed ; the Brymee authorities were
in trepidation, and at a loss how to act, “ whether to deliver up their
forts, or defend their territories.” His Excellency had recourse to his
usual mode of conduct: he flew for advice to the Resident, and was
recommended by that officer to keep up, if possible, a good under
standing with the Wahabee Ameer, and to accede to any terms he might
proffer, provided such concession did not lower the dignity of his
father: if, however, the demands made by Fysul should prove to be of
so imperious and extravagant a nature as virtually to nullify his own
independence as Governor, then would lie act wisely by representing
to the Ameer that without the consent of the British Government, whose
ally he was, he never could submit to the requirments that were sought
at his hands. Meanwhile, Syud bin Mootluk, the Wahabee Agent, had
reached Brymee with all his forces. The holders of the forts, overawed,
or thinking resistance useless, handed them over to him without demur-
The maritime chiefs, too, proceeded to wait upon him, and did all in their
power to manifest good will and respect towards him. Demands were
made upon His Excellency Syud Soweynee, and Syud Humood bin Azam
the Sohar Chief, to the amount of 20,000 and 5,000 reals respectively.
Notwithstanding the bitter enmity that originally existed between the
Imaum and the Sohar Chief, the reconciliation effected between them,
through the mediation of the Resident, appeared to be something more
than nominal, as was at the time supposed, and bid fair to prove firm
and lasting ; for we now find His Excellency Syud Soweynee and the
Sohar Chief drawing more closely to each other, and endeavouring b> a
coalition to avert the impending danger. Syud Humood was ready to
fight the Wahabees, but His Excellency at one time consenting to, at
another shrinking back from, the idea of hostilities, it was at lengt i
agreed that Syud bin Mootluk should be informed that Syud Ilumoo
would at once pay the 5,000 reals required of him, but that His xce
lency, ere satisfying the demands that were made upon him, wou wn e
to his father for instructions;—until these had arrived he coul no p y
one farthing of tribute. Such were the terms offered, and to sue i
Syud bin Mootluk pretend to agree.